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Arlina van Schaik


Atrium - Parnassusweg 737
1077 DG Amsterdam
Postbus 94700
1090 GS Amsterdam
Talen Nederlands, Engels

Arlina van Schaik is werkzaam als advocaat binnen de Praktijkgroep Litigation & Insurance van ons kantoor. Zij is gespecialiseerd in Nederlandse gerechtelijke procedures en nationale en internationale arbitrage. Zij adviseert en procedeert onder andere op het gebied van commerciële geschillen, contractenrecht en internationaal publiekrecht. Zij heeft in complexe procedures opgetreden voor bedrijven in uiteenlopende sectoren, waaronder grote multinationale ondernemingen en staatsbedrijven.

Arlina is sinds 2023 werkzaam bij CMS, daarvoor werkte zij vijf jaar als advocaat in de transactie- en de proces- en arbitragepraktijk van De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek.

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  • Master International and European Law: Trade and Investment Law, 2018 (Universiteit van Amsterdam), cum laude
  • Master Publiekrecht: Strafrecht, 2017 (Universiteit van Amsterdam), cum laude
  • Bachelor Rechtsgeleerdheid, 2015 (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
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CMS International Disputes Digest – 2023 Winter Edition
Welcome to our winter 2023 edition of the International Disputes Digest, analysing current trends in dispute resolution around the world with insights into, and potential solutions for, the challenges facing global business. With unrest and uncertainty reigning in both Europe and the Middle East, never has the guidance in this digest been more applicable. In Europe, the war in Ukraine is now in its second year. Apart from the incalculable human cost, this conflict continues to impact energy prices, supply chains, political stability, and isolates the Russian Federation from the international business community. The war in Israel is equally tragic in terms of human suffering with an impact that is reverberating internationally. As for the pandemic, COVID-19 restrictions are largely over with no indication that they will return in the near future. The COVID-19 virus, however, remains a threat – although arguably a less lethal one – and a public-health concern that is likely to remain indefinitely. The articles in this digest consider strategies to mitigate the impact of those challenges and others that may be affecting your business. We hope you enjoy reading it and wish you a peaceful festive break, with best wishes for 2024.