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Employment & Pensions

For your business to be successful, you must manage your employees and their benefits as well as your employee representatives. Employment and pension law in Europe is complex and, at times, contradictory. Italy is no exception to this. European directives, European court decisions, national laws, local cases and precedents must all be taken into account by your management team.

The Italian employment team deals with redundancy procedures, collective agreements as well as advising on labour contentious matters. Our 280-strong European group of sector specialists can help you navigate the maze of HR regulations and other legal complexities you may contend with on a daily basis.

If your business crosses borders, you will be faced with additional legal hurdles before achieving the outcome you need. With a global network covering 34 countries, we can help solve your problems across all the jurisdictions in which you operate - whether your issue relates to employment contracts, pension schemes, redundancies, M&A, trade union/staff representative relations or litigation. Should you require employment related assistance in Italy, you can count on our team’s assistance.

The backbone of our local practice is formed by union-management relations, employment discrimination disputes, redundancy procedures, negotiation of collective agreements as well as advising on labour contentious matters before Italian courts. We aim for long term economic success for you and offer far sighted solutions whatever you do.


Digital nomads: the rules for working in Italy
Remote Working Legislation, Laws & Regulations in Italy
1. Is there any legislation relating to working from home in your country? Yes, the Italian Government has approved the Legislative Decree n. 81/2017. 2. How can working from home be implemented in a...
Guide on minimum wage in Italy
Introduction Italy, as is well known, is the only OECD country where wages are falling rather than rising, while the cost of living is rising. It is also one of a few EU countries without a minimum wage law.121 Member States have specific minimum wage laws, while in 6 others (Italy, Denmark, Cyprus, Austria, Finland and Sweden), the minimum wage is set by collective bargaining. footnoteA bill on minimum wage is currently before the Italian parliament, but it does not specify how much the minimum wage should be. According to a study, 2Report of the Clean Clothes Campaign, 2024, available at https://www. abitipuliti. org/wp-con­tent/up­loads/2022/06/Salari­od­ig­nitoso_ag­giorna­mento2024. pdf https://www. abitipuliti. org/wp-con­tent/up­loads/2022/06/Salari­od­ig­nitoso_ag­giorna­mento2024. pdffootnote the amount should be EUR 11.50 per hour of work. To date, the minimum wage has been determined by collective agreements (the National Collective Bargaining Agreements, NCBA for short). Recently, however, this principle has been challenged in part by the Supreme Court, which intervened by recalling that selecting an NCBA is not sufficient to ensure compliance with the principles of “remuneration proportionate to the quantity and quality of work” and “sufficient to ensure the worker and his or her family a free and dignified existence” set out in article 36 of the constitution. In fact, the Supreme Court has recently partially overturned its own historical orientation, stating that where the NCBA adopted stipulates minimum wages that are too low, the judge must assess the wages provided for by other collective agreements in related sectors or refer to other criteria, such as the ISTAT index (Italian Statistics Institute) or the value of the unemployment allowance (the so-called NASpI).3Italian Supreme Court ruling no. 28320 of 10 October 2023. footnoteIs the role of collective bargaining for wage determination in crisis? That is a complex topic for another venue, but here it is necessary to remind companies that there are more than 992 collective bargaining agreements filed with CNEL (the National Council for Economy and Labour). 417° Report periodico dei Contratti Collettivi Nazionali di Lavoro vigenti depositati nell'Archivio CNEL (17th Periodic Report of National Collective Labour Agreements in force deposited in the CNEL archives), CNEL, 2023, available at https://www. cnel. it/Portals/0/CNEL/Re­ports/CCNL/17_re­port_CCNL_vi­gen­ti_gi­ugno_2023. pdf?ver=2023-07-11-131505-757ht­tps://www. cnel. it/Portals/0/CNEL/Re­ports/CCNL/17_re­port_CCNL_vi­gen­ti_gi­ugno_2023. pdf?ver=2023-07-11-131505-757foot­note On the one hand, the choice of NCBA is therefore a very difficult and delicate operation. On the other hand, it is very difficult to counter the “dumping contract” phenomenon (and this difficulty may help to understand the rationale behind the Supreme Court’s latest decisions).
Labor law and the implementation of AI in the workplace
Artificial Intelligence is a huge challenge for employers, with enormous implications on labour law. In Italy, the employment law may have difficulties in “catching up” with the fast pace of technological...
Budget Law 2024: what's new in labour law
On 1 January 2024, Law no. 213 of December 30, 2023 (“Budget Law 2024”) entered into force. The following is a summary of the law’s most important new features. Tax wedge cut (Art. 1, paragraph...
CBAM: Just over a week to comply
As the deadline for the first Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) report approaches on January 31st, it is crucial for undertakings engaged in importing relevant goods into the European Union to...
Whistleblower protection and reporting channels in Italy
1. Is there a law on whistleblowing in your country? The EU Whistleblowing Directive 2019/1937 was transposed in Italy by Legislative Decree No. 24 of 10 March 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the WB...
Dismissals and Termination of Employment in Italy
1. Dismissal of employees 1.1 Reasons for dismissal An employee may be dis­missed:lower-ro­man­with just cause: when the employment relationship cannot be continued, even temporarily, either because of...
Cost-cutting and restructuring in times of crisis
A tough global economic outlook is driving many employers to review their operational costs. Across businesses, hard questions are being asked about where efficiencies can be made – and ultimately what...
The new “Labour Decree”: main news
Legislative Decree No. 48/2023, commonly known as the “Labour Decree”, entered into force on 5 May 2023, and introduces some important changes to employment reg­u­la­tion.   The following is a summary...
ChatGPT – What Employers and Employees Need to Be Aware Of
Discover how ChatGPT can revolutionise HR and boost efficiency while ensuring compliance with legal and data protection guidelines.The hype generated by the release of ChatGPT in November 2022 was enormous...
Lawyer-assisted negotiation in labour disputes
Legislative Decree No. 149/2022 (i.e. the Cartabia Reform), which implements the delegated law for the efficiency of the civil process and the revision of alternative dispute resolution instruments (Law...