Covid-19 procedural deadlines for intellectual property law in Ukraine


Special law addressing COVID-19 situation and connected quarantine was adopted and came into force. Most of the procedural deadlines are extended for the duration of the quarantine. No imperative guidelines have been issued in relation to hearings. Thus, each court (and even judge) decides how to deal with the appointed cases at its own discretion. The parties are encouraged to file motions on postponing hearing or considering cases without their presence. 

IPO (IP Office)

No automatic extension of deadlines.


Ukraine declared quarantine in connection with COVID-19 pandemic and it will be effective till  June 22, 2020. The Parliament passed the law introducing changes to the procedural legislation that regulate the operation of courts during quarantine regime (entered into force on April 2, 2020). The Law envisages extension of deadlines for performing certain procedural actions (e.g., filing submissions, appeals, production of evidence, etc.) until the end of the quarantine period. In addition, the judges are allowed to restrict access by third parties to court hearing to avoid health risks during the quarantine period.