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Portrait ofValerio Facchini

Valerio Facchini

Attorney Trainee

CMS von Erlach Partners Ltd
Dreikönigstrasse 7
P.O. Box
8022 Zurich
Languages German, English, Italian, French

Valerio Facchini graduated in law (magna cum laude) from the University of Zurich and Lausanne in October 2022.

During his student years, he completed a traineeship at a law firm in Rome, which mainly operates in the field of data protection law at European level, as well as a voluntary internship at a district court in Switzerland.

After completing his studies, he worked for a year as law clerk at the civil, administrative and criminal courts of the Canton Ticino.

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  • 2022 – Master of Law (Joint Degree), Universities of Zurich and Lausanne
  • 2021 – Bachelor of Law, University of Zürich (UZH)
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