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Elisabeth Suter

Attorney Trainee

CMS von Erlach Partners Ltd
Dreikönigstrasse 7
P.O. Box
8022 Zurich
Languages English, German, French

Elisabeth Suter graduated with a Master of Law degree (summa cum laude) from the University of Lucerne in February 2023. During her master studies, she worked in the legal department of a company in the Lucerne area. During her bachelor studies she worked as a clerk in the healthcare industry.

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  • 2023 – Master of Law, University of Lucerne
  • 2022 – Exchange semester, University of Neuchâtel
  • 2019 – Bachelor of Business Law, ZHAW Winterthur
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"Minor revision" to be made to the Swiss Federal Supreme Court Act
BackgroundIn the years 2008 to 2013, the federal administration of justice was evaluated, leading to the identification of the following three problems: the Federal Supreme Court is overloaded, primarily...
CMS advises Bruker on the agreement to acquire Chemspeed
Bruker Corporation, a NASDAQ-listed US tech company, entered into a definitive agreement for the acquisition of Chemspeed Technologies AG, a Swiss provider of vendor-agnostic automated laboratory R&D and QC workflow solutions. Chemspeed is focused on modular automation and robotics solutions for chemical research, pharma drug formulation, materials research for cleantech and consumer applications. The Chemspeed acquisition accelerates Bruker’s entry into lab automation, digitalisation and scientific software solutions. Chemspeed offers modular automation to enhance productivity in R&D and QC departments to achieve more in less time and without additional staff. Chemspeed complements Bruker’s vendor-agnostic plat­form SciY™ for software automation and digital transformation of R&D labs in the life science, biopharma and cleantech industries. An international CMS team headed by Stefan Brunnschweiler and Andrea Relly (Switzerland), in collaboration with the US law firm Nixon Peabody LLP advised Bruker on all legal aspects of the transaction. CMS Switzer­land­Stefan Brunnschweiler, Lead Partner, Corporate / M&AAndrea Relly, Counsel, Corporate / M&ASamuel Gang, Senior Associate, Corporate / M&AAnna Mast, Associate, Corporate / M&AMarquard Christen, Partner, Competition and ComplianceJulia Haas, Senior Associate, Competition and Com­pli­ance­Bernhard Lötscher, Partner, ComplianceSophie Weber, Associate, ComplianceDr Dirk Spacek, Partner, Intellectual PropertyDr Simone Brauch­bar-Birkhäuser, Partner, Intellectual PropertyOlivia Zingg, Associate, Intellectual PropertyMark Cagienard, Partner, TaxJens Lehmann, Senior Associate, TaxMiryam Meile, Senior Associate, Em­ploy­mentSibylle Schnyder, Partner, Real EstateReto Hunsperger, Partner, Com­mer­cialAl­ex­an­der Salamon, Attorney Trainee, Corporate / M&ASophia Rovelli, Attorney Trainee, Corporate / M&AElisabeth Suter, Attorney Trainee, ComplianceCMS BelgiumKai Neuhaus, Partner, Brussel, CompetitionDavid Rappenglück, Associate, Brussel, CompetitionCMS UKRussel Hoare, Partner, Lon­don, Com­pet­i­tion­Claire Barraclough, Associate, Competition
Biodiversity: now a topic for companies
Biodiversity: the variety of lifeThe term biodiversity, also known as species diversity, is understood to mean a richness of animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms. The term also encompasses the genetic...