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Legal news in Monaco

Variable compensation tools linked to business results
Remuneration is very often at the heart of the employment relationship: it can be a vector of individual motivation, encouraging the performance of the employee and therefore ultimately of the business...
Overtime work & income taxation
Since 1 January 2019, the amounts received by French employees for working overtime can be exempt from income tax, up to an annual ceiling of €5,000 net. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, this amount was...
Reform of the organization of working time
The concerted organization of working time, management and social dialogue tools. New law on the organization of working hours in Monaco: Revolution or Evolution? Adapting the legal and normative framework...
Law n°1.457, 12th December 2017, related to harassment and violence at...
The Law n°1.457 of December 12th, 2017, establishes specific offenses for harassment, sexual blackmail and assault in the work place, which are defined as:For the harassment: the fact of submitting knowingly...
CMS Guide to Dismissals
In the world of the total globalization, there are still considerable differences in the labour laws of individual countries, caused by their different economic, historical and political contexts. Businesses...
CMS On your radar - January 2018
The international CMS employment group has the pleasure of sharing the fourth edition of On Your Radar publication giving you access to the key employment law developments at your fingertips. Our easy...
Law No. 1.451 of July 4th, 2017 amending some dispositions relating to...
The assessment of fitness to work and the role of occupational health were redesigned by the legislator, considering the necessary conciliation of the protection granted to employees in respect of their...
Implementation of a collective redundancy plan in the Principality
The recent development of redundancy plans in Monaco has logically led to a growing jurisprudential framework on this topic. As it previously did regarding the validity of an economic ground behind the...
Is Article 11 of Law N°739 of 16 March 1963 related to minimum wages parity...
For many years, Law N°739 related to wages was seen as a contributing factor to social peace in the Principality. The application of the wages parity principle, determined in its Article 11, avoided...