5G regulation and law in Turkiye

1. What is the state of 5G deployment in your country?

5G is not currently available in Türkiye.

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MTI) determines strategies and policies regarding the right to use frequency bands, while the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA) grants authorisations and conducts inspections.

The MTI’s National Broadband Strategy (2017-2020) includes actions such as “conducting 5G and beyond R&D activities”. On the other hand, ICTA Strategic Plan (2019-2023) states which actions must be taken in order to launch 5G. 

A 5G tender was expected to take place in 2022, with a view to launching the technology in 2023. However, MTI launched a 5G pilot trial at Istanbul Airport in cooperation with Turkcell, Türk Telekom and Vodafone. 

Public tenders are expected to take place in 2023.

2. Are telecoms companies monetising 5G investments - or are the services provided to consumers at similar prices to 4G?

As 5G is yet to be deployed, the companies are not monetising 5G investments. 

3. Has 5G been launched for industrial purposes? For which sectors?

5G has not yet been launched for industrial purposes.

4. What is being done to ensure that a wide range of operators and industrial companies, from small to large, have access to frequencies? Are such frequencies accessible to stadiums, airports and other special premises?

There are no specific rules for accessing 5G yet.

5. What public tenders have awarded spectrum licences?

5G frequency tenders have not taken place yet. 

The tenders for 4.5G were held in 2015, when mobile operators bought 20 frequency packages. The frequency assigned to mobile network operators have increased from 183 MHz to 573 MHz, from August 2015, following the 4.5G tender. The 4.5G licences are valid until 30 April 2029. 

Public 5G tenders are expected to take place in 2023.

5.1 What were the criteria for awarding each of the tenders?

The authorities have yet to set out award criteria.

5.2 What are the conditions of the spectrum licence?

The spectrum licence conditions have not been set.

5.3 What is the price and how is it calculated?

We do not have any pricing information yet.

6. Is there a long-term spectrum plan or announcements for future tenders?

No long-term spectrum plan or announcements have been made for future tenders.

7. If 5G specific rules are drafted, what do they say?

No 5G specific rules have been drafted.

8. Are there any issues in the implementation of the 5G projects? Have there been any decisions regarding non-compliance with 5G concessions’ obligations?

As 5G is yet to be deployed, 5G projects have not been implemented. 

9. What focused 5G network or spectrum sharing regulation exists? What are the latest developments in the thinking of the regulators about 5G shared infrastructure ownership or use?

There is no 5G-focused network or spectrum sharing regulation yet.

10. Are 5G network sharing or spectrum sharing agreements in place?

There are no 5G network sharing or spectrum sharing agreements in place yet.

11. What are or will be the rules for granting competitors access to new 5G networks once they are deployed?

No respective rules have been adopted.

12. What comments have been made regarding 5G cyber-security and possible use of Chinese technology, including regulation?

No specific comments have been made about 5G cyber-security or the potential use of Chinese technology.

Portrait ofAlican Babalioglu
Alican Babalioglu
Managing Partner
Naz Ugurlu