CMS Expert Guide to e-signatures in real estate documents

For many within the Real Estate industry, the use of electronic signatures will be unfamiliar ground – a practice often discussed but never used. Yet, where they are capable of being used, electronic signatures can be very useful – perhaps never more so than now when the impact of Covid-19 means signatories are confined to working from home or are unable to have documents couriered to or collected from them.    

Unfortunately, despite the numerous benefits and the possible necessity to use electronic signatures, there are in most countries some restrictions and limitations that, for now at least, prevent the use of electronic signatures being used for all Real Estate documents. As such, set out below is a summary of the current position as to the validity and use of electronic signatures for Real Estate documents across various European jurisdictions. 

For further information on electronic signing or execution within a relevant jurisdiction, or to discuss ways in which any limitations or restrictions might be overcome, please contact the relevant CMS contact(s) listed or under specific jurisdiction.

Please note the information held in this publication is for general purposes and guidance only and does not purport to constitute legal or professional advice.