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Kai Neuhaus, LL.M.


CMS EU Law Office
Avenue des Nerviens 85
1040 Brussels
Languages German, English, French

Kai Neuhaus specialises in competition and trade law, with a focus on the digital business. He advises and represents companies in all proceedings before the EU Commission, the German Federal Cartel Office, the German Ministry of Economy, the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control as well as the European Court of Justice and German courts. In competition law he has long-standing experience with merger control, abuse of dominance and cartel proceedings. He regularly provides competition law advice on distribution contracts and e-commerce. In the area of trade law Kai assists clients with investment control, on EU and German trade sanctions and embargos, on export control and related compliance issues and with EU anti-dumping proceedings.

His clients include major manufacturing companies in the IT, consumer goods and chemical sectors as well as the automotive and auto parts suppliers sector, and also service providers e.g. from the finance, insurance, media and retail sectors.

Kai joined CMS in 2003 and has been a partner since 2009.

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Führender Name in der Investitionskontrolle

JUVE Handbuch, 2023/2024

„sehr besonnen, pragmat., umgängl. u. klug“, „versierter Außenwirtschaftsrechtler“, Wettbewerber

JUVE Handbuch, 2023/2024

„Oft empfohlen“ für Kartellrecht

JUVE Handbuch, 2023/2024

„Oft empfohlen“ für Investitionskontrolle

JUVE Handbuch, 2023/2024

„Oft empfohlen“ für Außenwirtschaftsrecht

JUVE Handbuch, 2023/2024

„besonnen, pragmatisch, umgänglich, klug“, Wettbewerber

JUVE Handbuch, 2023/2024

"outstanding advice", client; "accomplished customs and trade lawyer", competitor

JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2021 (GCLF)

"Recommended" for Customs and Trade, Antitrust

JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2021 (GCLF)

"Recommended" for Customs and Trade, Antitrust

JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2022 (GCLF)

"outstanding performance", client

JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2022 (GCLF)

"pleasant to work with", competitor

JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2022 (GCLF)


  • Handbuch Vertriebskartellrecht, § 10 Gebiets- und Kundenbeschränkungen, 2020, Beck Verlag
  • Kartellrecht, Loewenheim/Meessen/Riesenkampff/Kersting/Meyer-Lindemann (Hrsg.) - Kommentar der Fusionskontrollvorschriften § 35, § 36 Abs. 2 und 3, § 38 GWB, 4. Auflage 2020
  • CCH - Doing Business in Europe, Germany, Chapter “Import and Export”, 2019, Sweet & Maxwell
  • CCH - Doing Business in Europe, Germany, Chapter “Import and Export”, 2017, Sweet & Maxwell
  • Kartellrecht, Loewenheim/Meessen/Riesenkampff/Kersting/Meyer-Lindemann (Hrsg.) - Kommentar der Fusionskontrollvorschriften §§ 35, 36 (Rn. 2145-241), 38 GWB, 2016
  • Kartellrecht, in: Hettler/Stratz/Hörtnagl, Beck´sches Mandatshandbuch Unternehmenskauf, 2. Auflage, Verlag C.H.Beck 2013
  • German investment control shows its teeth – new hurdles for transactions, CMS Blog, July 2020
  • Investment control takes hold of healthcare sector, CMS Blog, May 2020
  • Imports an Exports, Doing Business in Europe, 2017, Sweet & Maxwell
  • Kartellrecht, Loewenheim/Meessen/Riesenkampff/Kersting/Meyer-Lindemann (editors) - Commentary on merger control sections §§ 35, 36 (paras. 2145-241), 38 German Act against Restraints on competition, 2016
  • FCO breaks up joint venture - nothing clear after clearance - Commentary on the decision of the German Federal Cartel Office of 21.11.2012, ILO December 2012
  • Court increases fines on appeal by up to 85 % - Commentary on the decision of the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court of 15.04.2013, Az. VI-4 Kart 2-6/10 (OWi), ILO May 2013
  • The 8th amendment to the Act Against Restraints of Competition: the reform of German competition law, in collaboration with Dr. Harald Kahlenberg, BB 4/2013, p. 131 ff
  • Kartellrecht, in: Hettler/Stratz/Hörtnagl, Beck´sches Mandatshandbuch Unternehmenskauf, 2. Auflage, Verlag C.H.Beck 2013
  • Privilege and internal audit documents – are internal audits left exposed? Comment on Order of Local Court Bonn of June 21 2012, Case 27 Qs 2/12, ILO September 2012
  • To file or not to file – no question: file! – Comment on order of Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf of 01.02.2012, case VI-Kart 6/11 (V), in collaboration with Benedikt Ecker, ILO August 2012
  • The New EU Insurance Block Exemption Regulation, ILO April 2010
  • Dossiers Internationaux - Allemagne, Droit de la concurrence, ISBN 978-2-85115-700-3, Editions Francis Lefebvre 2007, p. 153 ff
  • Amendments to the Act against Restraints of Competition – Overview over 7th Amendment of Geman competition law, ILO August 2005
  • First Experiences with Commitment Decisions under Art. 9 (1) of Reg. 1/2003, in collaboration with Dr. Harald Kahlenberg, EuZW 2005, p. 620 ff
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Lectures list

  • "Foreign Investment Reviews – The new Merger Control?", FuW Forum, Zurich, August 2021
  • Effective Remedies Vis-a-Vis Digital Platforms: Competition Policy and Sector Regulation at a Crossroad, session “Data Silos” – EUI, Florence, June 2021
  • "EU Competition Law in the digital era: Shield from (over?) enforcement of authorities & Sword to claim integrity or damages from third parties" – ACC Europe, Brussels, May 2021
  • Impact of growing foreign investment control regulations on the European M&A market - ECLA General Counsel Roundtable Online, November 2020
  • CMS EU Law Briefing – Facebook vs. Bundeskartellamt / Decision of the German Federal Court of Justice KVR 69/19, Webinar, October 2020
  • CMS EU Law Briefing – The EU Legislator at Work / Foreign Subsidies in the Single Market, Webinar, August 2020
  • "Market entry Iran | Trade restrictions – What to consider" - Frankfurt/Main, June 2016
  • "Current overview over trade sanctions against Iran" - Frankfurt/Main, June 2016
  • "E-Commerce Sector Inquiry – Update and next steps" - Lisbon, April 2016
  • "Retail without borders - removing restrictions to e-commerce" - CMS Technology Media & Communications Conference, London, October 2015
  • "The e-commerce sector inquiry: Possible outcomes for e-traders" - CMS Consumer Products Conference, Brussels, September 2015
  • "The e-commerce sector inquiry" - CMS Consumer Products Conference, London, June 2015
  • Vertical restraints - Panel discussion: "Restriction of online sales: No borders for click stores? / What is an agreement: 20 years after Adalat" - Brussels, May 2015
  • "Restrictions of online sales - what is still permissible under competition laws?" - Munich - Stuttgart, November 2014
  • "Bid rigging in M&A, acquisition of cartelists and merger control - news for private equity funds" - Frankfurt, October 2014
  • "Sanctions against Russia - What to keep in mind?" - Düsseldorf, October 2014
  • "Co-Insurance and its pitfalls under competition law" - Munich, June 2014
  • "Resale prices - what influence is allowed under competition laws?" - Stuttgart, November 2013
  • "Co-Insurance and its pitfalls under competition law" - Cologne, September 2013
  • "EU Anti-Dumping in practice" - Düsseldorf, July 2013
  • "EU Anti-Dumping in a nutshell" - Bucarest, February 2013
  • "News on joint research and development" - Rome, 2012
  • "Antitrust law and cooperation - Joint research and development" - Dusseldorf - Munich - Frankfurt, 2011
  • "EU Anti-Dumping Law in Practice" - Düsseldorf, 2010
  • "Latest Developments on Competition Law in Distribution Contracts" - Munich and Stuttgart, 2009
  • "The new EU Settlement Procedure in Cartel Cases" - Vienna, 2008
  • "EU Anti-Dumping- Joint Actions against Imports" - Cologne and Berlin, 2007
  • "Pricing, Rebates and Conditions: Limits set by Competition Law" - Stuttgart, 2006
  • "First Experiences with Commitment Decisions under Art. 9 Reg. 1/2003" - Madrid, 2005
  • "Changes brought by the New German Competition Act for Procurement and Distribution" - Frankfurt am Main, 2005
  • "Merger Control under the New German Competition Act" - Chamber of Industry and Commerce Bodensee, 2005
  • "New German Competition Act and its Impact on Co-operation and Distribution Contracts" - Chamber of Industry and Commerce Bodensee, 2005
  • "Predatory Pricing and Sales below Costs in Competition Law" - University of Hohenheim, 2005
  • "Joint Purchasing in the Media Sector" - Milan, 2004
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  • LL.M. at University College London; specialist subjects: competition law and trade law
  • Law studies at the Universities of Augsburg, Lausanne and Munich
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JUVE Awards 2023: CMS recognised as Law Firm of the Year for Antitrust
Berlin – International commercial law firm CMS Germany was recognised yesterday evening as Law Firm of the Year for Antitrust at the JUVE Awards 2023. The JUVE Awards are regarded as among the most...


Strategic restructuring: CMS advises Hydro Systems shareholder on merger...
Stuttgart – Hydro Systems KG, based in Biberach (Baden-Württem­berg), and Rhinestahl, which is headquartered in Cincinnati, USA, have merged to become R-H Aviation. The two aviation suppliers are aiming to boost their market position, achieve continued growth and create a new global industry champion for ground support equipment (GSE) and tooling. They are also seeking to play a greater role in speeding up decarbonisation. In addition, the merger marks the completion of a succession arrangement for Hydro Systems KG. R-H Aviation’s headquarters is located in Cincinnati, but Hydro Systems will remain in Biberach and the location will be further strengthened. Other details of the transaction were not disclosed. An international CMS team headed by lead partners Dr Maximilian Grub and Dr Kai Wallisch advised the shareholder of Hydro Systems on all legal aspects of the merger. A particular focus was on structuring the transaction from a corporate and tax law viewpoint, the merger control and foreign trade approval procedures, and on financing issues. Hydro Systems has around 650 employees. For some 60 years, it has been developing and producing innovative solutions for the assembly, maintenance and repair of civil and military aircraft. In addition to its main site in Biberach, the company has locations in Germany, China, the UK, France, Singapore, the US and the United Arab Emirates. Hydro’s business areas include GSE, tooling (with a focus on Airbus and Rolls-Royce) and worldwide service. CMS Germany Dr Maximilian Grub, Lead Partner Dr Kai Wallisch, Partner, Lead Partner Dr Christian Zielonka, Principal Counsel Birgit Schlemmer, Senior As­so­ci­ate Mil­itsa Decheva Petrova, Senior Associate Yella Schick, As­so­ci­ate Kath­rin Dengel, Associate, all Corporate/M&A Dr Christian Friedrich Haellmigk, Partner Kai Neuhaus, Partner David Rappenglück, Associate Malena Hansen, Senior Associate, all Antitrust, Competition & Trade Dr Martin Mohr, Partner Dr Olaf Thießen, Principal Counsel Lukas Braun, Senior Associate Tobias Wacker, Associate, all Tax Dr Volker Zerr, Partner Michelle Schickinger, Senior Associate Maike Füchtmann, Senior Associate, all Real Estate & Public Dr Marc Seibold, Partner Carl Werner, Principal Counsel Dr Andreas Grunert, Principal Counsel Julian Lacher, Senior Associate Carla Kaeber, Associate, all Banking, Finance & Insurance CMS Shanghai Michael Munzinger, Counsel Ran Li, Associate Locke Lord, Houston, Texas Edward A. Razim III, Partner Jaremy Chilton, Tax PartnerPress Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com
EU anti-dumping investigations for Chinese lysine and vanillin imports
On 23 May 2024, the EU opened an anti-dumping in­vest­ig­a­tion con­cern­ing EU imports of lysine originating in the People’s Republic of China, which could lead to substantial anti-dumping duties on future...
CMS comments on proposal for EU foreign investment screening regulation
The EU is currently revising its foreign direct investment screening mechanism. The Commission’s proposal for a new regulation foresees obligations on Member States to introduce national screening laws with mandatory filing requirements, proposes timeframes and generally extends the scope of the mechanism to foreign indirect investments. As part of the consultation process, CMS submitted comments to the proposal, which you can read here.
CMS advises Main Street Capital Corporation on the acquisition of Maass...
Ham­burg/Stut­tgart – Main Street Capital Corporation, a publicly traded financial investor based in Houston, Texas, has acquired Maass Global Group through one of its portfolio companies, Gulf Manufacturing, LLC. The Essen-based company is a global leader in the manufacture and sale of flanges and forged specialty products, forged steel bars, seamless tubes and fittings made of duplex, stainless steel and high-nickel alloys. In addition to its headquarters in Essen, the Maas Global Group has further locations in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, India, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates.A CMS team led by Dr. Eckart Gottschalk and Dr. Kai Wallisch provided comprehensive legal advice to Main Street Capital Corporation on this transaction. In addition to corporate law advice, the focus was on the legal implementation of the financing. As part of the transaction, CMS Germany worked closely with CMS law firms from the Netherlands, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates as well as the American law firm Locke Lord and AZB & Partners from India. Main Street Capital Corporation is a publicly traded investment company with a market capitalization of approximately USD 3.9 billion. It specializes in long-term financing of middle-market companies in various industries through management buyouts, re­cap­it­al­iz­a­tions, growth financing and acquisitions. With the investment to acquire Maas Global Group, Main Street Capital Corporation is deepening its existing investment in the manufacturing of flanges, fittings and other specialty products for industrial applications. CMS Germany Dr. Eckart Gottschalk, Lead Partner Dr. Kai Wallisch, Lead Partner Dr. Paul Kintrup, Senior As­so­ci­ate Mil­itsa Decheva Petrova, Senior Associate Dr. Alexander Weinhold, Senior As­so­ci­ate Tjorben Drawe, Associate Sonja Schanze, As­so­ci­ate Kath­rin Dengel, Associate, all Corporate/M&A Dr. Marc Seibold, Partner Anne Waßmuth, Counsel Carla Kaeber, Associate, all Banking & Finance Dr. Hans Fabian Kiderlen, Principal Counsel Theresa Friedle, Associate, both Real Estate & Public Dr. Michael Kraus, Partner Thomas Fröhlich, Counsel, both TMC Dr. Jacob Hinze, Counsel, Employment Law Dr. Martin Mohr, Partner, Tax Christoff Henrik Soltau, Partner Dr. Robert Bodewig, Senior Associate, both Antitrust, Competition & Trade Kai Neuhaus, Partner Moritz Pottek, Counsel, both Brussel EU Law Office CMS Netherlands Roman Tarlavski, Partner Maarten Feenstra, Associate Fleur Assendelft de Coningh, Associate Anne Fleur Krijthe, Candidate civil law notary CMS Singapore Toby Grainger, Partner Leslie Tay, Associate CMS UAE Patrik Daintry, Partner Fawzi Oueidat, Associate Locke Lord Greg Heath, Partner Nicholas Jennings, Partner Jason Ulezalka, Partner Case Towslee, Associate Jake Chagoury, Associate Mason Marek, Associate AZB & Partners Srinath Dasari, Senior Partner Gautam Rego, Partner Yash Anand, Associate Gopika Menon, AssociatePress Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com
CMS advises Encavis management board on EUR 2.8 billion takeover offer...
Ham­burg/Frank­furt – KKR has today announced a voluntary public takeover offer made to all the other shareholders of Encavis AG of EUR 17.50 per share in cash. This represents a transaction volume of around EUR 2.8 billion. Family-owned business Viessmann GmbH & Co. KG will participate as co-investor in the KKR-led consortium. The offeror has signed binding agreements with Abacon Capital GmbH and other major shareholders holding around 31% of the total share capital. These shareholders will continue to be long-term investors in the company indirectly through a stake in the offeror’s corporate structure. Encavis and the offeror have signed an investor agreement on the key points of the transaction. In line with the investor negotiations, the consortium will support the strategic ambitions of Encavis to accelerate growth. The offer document will be submitted by the offeror within the next two weeks for approval by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). Completion of the transaction is subject to a minimum acceptance threshold and regulatory approvals, among other conditions. CMS advised Encavis on the investor agreement via a team headed by Dr Henrik Drinkuth and Ayleen Görisch, together with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, and will advise the Encavis management board on all legal aspects of the takeover offer. The company is a longstanding CMS client. CMS Germany Dr Henrik Drinkuth, Partner Ayleen Görisch, Counsel, both Lead Dr Hendrik Quast, Senior Associate, all Corporate/M&A Christoff Soltau, Partner Kai Neuhaus, Partner Dr Robert Bodewig, Senior Associate David Rappenglück, Associate, all Antitrust, Competition & Trade Philipp Melzer, Partner Hatice Akyel, Counsel Patrick Damanik, Senior Associate, all Banking, Finance & Insurance Encavis Natalie Grüber (Head of Legal)Press Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com
CMS advises Bruker on the multi-jur­is­dic­tion­al acquisition of ELITech,...
Frankfurt/Main – Bruker has agreed to acquire ELITechGroup, a provider of specialty in vitro diagnostic (IVD) systems, from TecFin S.à r.l., a controlled affiliate of PAI Partners, a pre-eminent private equity firm, for EUR 870 million in cash, excluding the carved out ELITech clinical chemistry business. The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2024, subject to regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions.A team of CMS Germany headed by lead partner Dr Hendrik Hirsch acted as lead transaction counsel on this landmark transaction for Bruker's MDx business covering all M&A aspects of the transaction, IVDR and other regulatory aspects, antitrust and FDI filings, the carve out of the clinical chemistry business and support on the employee consultation processes in France and the Netherlands. ELITechGroup, with over 500 employees and over 40 active patents, develops and commercializes innovative, proprietary molecular diagnostic (MDx) systems and assays, as well as niche biomedical systems and microbiology products. Its molecular diagnostic business accounts for the majority of the to-be-acquired revenues and provides the unique sample-to-answer (S2A) instruments InGenius® and Be-Genius® in the mid-to-high throughput MDx category with PCR diagnostic assays for infections and diseases. ELITechGroup, excluding the clinical chemistry business, achieved approximately EUR 150 million in revenues in 2023. ELITechGroup generates the majority of its revenues from Europe, with significant business also in North and Latin America. Its major R&D and production sites are in Italy, the United States, France and Germany. CMS Germany Dr Hendrik Hirsch, Partner, Co-Lead Dr Jacob Siebert, Partner, Co-Lead Dr Dirk Baukholt, Principal Counsel Dr Berrit Roth-Mingram, Counsel Dr Maximilian Stark, Senior Associate, all Corporate/M&A Dr Roland Wiring, Partner Lukas Burgdorff, Associate Noah Rodenkirchen, Associate, all Regulatory & Lifesciences Dr Thomas Hirse, Part­ner Se­basti­an Vautz, Senior Associate Lisa Dietrich, Associate, all IP Dr Michael Bauer, Partner Stefan Lehr, Partner Kai Neuhaus, Partner Moritz Pottek, Counsel Dr. Denis Schlimpert, Counsel Kirsten Baubkus-Gerard, Senior Associate David Rappenglück, As­so­ci­ate Be­ne­dikt Christian Voss, Associate, all Antitrust, Competition & Trade Dr Thomas de la Motte, Partner Dr Markus Pfaff, Partner Dr André Frischemeier, Partner Hatice Aykel, Counsel Alisa Brehm, Senior Associate Thomas Schaak, Senior Associate Dr Sait Dogan, Associate, all Banking & Finance  Dr André Lippert, Part­ner Con­stan­ze Schweidtmann, Associate, both Real Estate & Public Dr Boris Alles, Partner Dr Theresa Kipp, Senior Associate, both Labor, Employment & Pensions CMS France Benoît Gomel, Partner Vincent Desbenoit, Associate Dylan Allali, all Corporate/M&A Caroline Froger-Michon, Partner Aurélie Parchet, As­so­ci­ate Ca­m­ille Baumgarten, Associate Sophie Yin, all Em­ploy­ment Claire Vannini, Partner Eleni Moraïtou, Coun­sel Lilia-Ori­ana Dif, Associate Ariane Rolin, all Competition & EU  Jean-Bap­tiste Thiénot, Partner Anaïs Arnal, Associate, both Intellectual Property Laurine Mayer, Associate, TMC Alexandre Chazot, Counsel, Banking & Fin­ance  Thi­erry Granier, Partner Renaud Grob, Partner, both Tax Arnaud Valverde, Senior Associate, Real Estate Olivier Kuhn, Partner Cécile Rebiffé, Counsel Mylène Garrouste, all Dispute Res­ol­u­tion Kawthar Ben Khelil, Coun­sel Jean-Pierre Malili, Associate, both Public law/In­fra­struc­ture CMS Italy Massimo Trentino, Partner, Corporate/M&A Maria Letizia Patania, Partner, Lifescience & Healthcare Gian Marco Lettieri, Senior Associate, Employment & Pensions Giulio Poggioli, Counsel Valerio Giuseppe Daniele, As­so­ci­ate Francesca Durante, Junior As­so­ci­ate  Arianna Toccaceli, Junior Associate, all Banking & Finance CMS Luxembourg Gérard Maitrejean, Partner Miruna Poenaru, Coun­sel Max­imili­an Helfgen, Associate, all Corporate/M&A CMS UK Jack Letson, Partner Lindsay McAllister, Associate, both Corporate/M&A David Dennis, Partner, Commercial CMS Netherlands Pieter van Duijvenvoorde, Partner Robert Jong, both Corporate/M&A Nigel Henssen Fleur van Assendelft de Coningh, both Employment Edmon Oude Elferink, Partner Marijke van der Vossen, both Antitrust, Competition & Trade CMS Serbia Radivoje Petrikić, Partner Mila Drljević, both Corporate/M&A CMS Austria Dieter Zandler, Partner Vanessa Horaceck, both Competition & EU CMS Ukraine Maria Orlyk, Partner Diana Valyeyeva CMS Turkiye Döne Yalçın, Partner Arcan Kemahlı,  Sa­ba­hat­tin Öztemiz Taner ElmasPress Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com
CMS advises Vance Street Capital on the acquisition of Galleon Embedded...
Hamburg – Vance Street Capital, a mid-market private equity fund, based in Los Angeles (USA), has acquired Galleon Embedded Computing GmbH. Galleon Embedded Computing GmbH was founded in 2009 and offers computer systems for the aerospace/de­fense sector as well as for demanding industrial and research applications. The acquisition of the German company complements the portfolio of Vance Street Capital, which had previously acquired an affiliated company of Galleon Embedded Computing GmbH in Norway. The parties have agreed not to disclose details of the transaction. CMS advised Vance Street Capital with a team led by lead partner Dr Eckart Gottschalk on all legal aspects of the acquisition. The advice included in particular the structuring of the transaction as well as the drafting and negotiation of the transaction doc­u­ment­a­tion. Press Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com   
CMS advises TowerBrook portfolio company TXO on acquisition of Teqport...
Cologne – TXO, a portfolio company of private equity investor TowerBrook Capital Partners, has acquired all shares in Teqport Services GmbH, based in Solingen (North-Rhine West­falia/Ger­many). Teqport Services is a leading tech-enabled network service provider in the field of asset recovery management and specialises in network decommissioning and rationalisation. Its customer portfolio includes major infrastructure companies in Europe, particularly in the tele­com­mu­nic­a­tions sector. TXO is a circular economy services provider for the global tele­com­mu­nic­a­tions industry. This is the latest in a series of moves from TXO to grow its offering and expand globally. The acquisition of Teqport Services forms part of TXO’s global strategy to be the leading circular economy service partner for network operators both organically and through strategic ac­quis­i­tions. All parties involved have agreed not to disclose details of the transaction.A CMS team led by lead partner Dr Malte Bruhns and Ole Weyand provided comprehensive legal advice to TXO and TowerBrook in the course of the transaction. This included in particular the drafting and negotiation of the transaction documents. The CMS team also advised on the closing of the transaction which took place in December 2023. CMS Germany Dr Malte Bruhns, Lead Partner Laura Christin Stein, Partner Ole Weyand, Senior As­so­ci­ate Phil­ipp Knopp, Senior Associate Dr Henrik Meurer, Associate, all Corporate/M&A Kai Neuhaus, Partner Kirsten Baubkus-Gerard, Senior Associate, both Antitrust, Competition & TradePress Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com
CMS advises Commerzbank on joint venture for digital payment solutions
Frankfurt am Main, Atlanta, - CMS, led by Dr. Tobias Grau and Dr. Florian Plagemann, has comprehensively advised Commerzbank on the formation of a joint venture with Global Payments, a leading global provider of financial technologies and software solutions (here). CMS regularly advises banks and payment service providers on M&A transactions and regulatory matters, including Commerzbank's repurchase of the installment loan business from BNP Paribas. CMS Germany Dr Tobias Grau, Partner, Co-Lead Dr Florian Plagemann, Partner, Co-Lead Birgit Schlemmer, Senior Associate Dr Kai Wallisch, Partner Dr Tobias Kilian, Of Counsel Dr Marcel Hagemann, Partner Dr Christian Zielonka, Principal Counsel Carmen Hübner, Senior Associate Dr Maximilian Stark, Senior Associate Dr Miriam Bach, As­so­ci­ate Kath­rin Dengel, Associate Gustav Isele, Associate, all Corporate/M&A Dr Markus M. Pfaff, Client Relationship Partner Moritz Gerstmayr, Coun­sel Char­lotte Salathé, Counsel  Marcel Moussaoui, Associate Mohal Jennifer Egzau, Associate, all Banking & Finance Philipp Lotze, Partner Dr Michael Kraus, Partner Dr Anna Lena Füllsack, Senior As­so­ci­ate Theresa Lenger, Senior Associate, all TMC Kai Neuhaus, Partner Dr Björn Herbers, Partner Moritz Pottek, Counsel, all Antitrust, Competition & Trade Jörg Schrade, Part­ner Chris­ti­an Linseisen, Senior Associate, both Tax Dr Oliver Simon, Partner Dr Michael Rein, Principal Counsel Dr Philipp Deuchler, Senior Associate, all Labor, Employment & Pensions Commerzbank AG (Legal) Dr Benedikt Leffers (Group Legal, Head of Corporate / Regulatory Law)  Lars Kauer (Group Legal, Senior Legal Counsel, Corporate / Regulatory Law)  Markus Vetter (Group Legal, General Counsel, Technology, Data & In­fra­struc­ture) Carina Erlenwein (Group Legal, Senior Legal Counsel, Sales, Account Management, Payment Trans­ac­tions) Press Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com
EU Competition Law Briefings
The EU Competition Law Briefings have been created to provide a platform for our clients and other competition law experts to stay up to date on the developments of EU Competition Law. Every month CMS...
CMS advises Finch Capital on acquisition of the Open Banking FinTechs Qwist...
Munich - The Warsaw-based investment company Crastorehill, which is majority-owned by Finch Capital, has acquired the Berlin-based open banking FinTech Qwist (previously finleap connect) and the open...
JUVE Awards 2023: CMS recognised as Law Firm of the Year for Antitrust
Berlin – International commercial law firm CMS Germany was recognised yesterday evening as Law Firm of the Year for Antitrust at the JUVE Awards 2023. The JUVE Awards are regarded as among the most...